Now & Together Foundation

Defense of Women Rights

The defense of women's rights is a fight for equality, justice and respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of women. This requires a continued commitment from society, governments and every individual to create a world where women can live freely, free from discrimination and violence, and realize their full potential and free to inspire the world. It is important to emphasize that the defense of women's rights must not oppress or diminish the rights of men, we are against all divisions, we are complementary, but rather to create a just and egalitarian society where all individuals can enjoy the same rights and the same opportunities, each with its particularities and riches that they can jointly share.

Fight for Equility

The fight for equity is a fight to ensure fair and equal treatment for all individuals, regardless of gender. This means tackling inequality and creating a safe environment in which everyone has the same opportunities and rights, whether they are a man or a woman. This struggle can take different forms, from raising awareness of injustices, defending human rights, and engaging in collective action to create positive change. The fight for equity is essential to building a fairer society for all.

Justice and respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms

Justice and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms are basic principles of any democratic society.

Justice and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms are closely linked, because social justice cannot be achieved without respect for human rights. This requires a continued commitment by all members of society to promote equality, non-discrimination and justice for all.

Create a fair and egalitarian society

A just and equal society is one in which every individual has the same rights, the same opportunities and is treated fairly, regardless of their personal characteristics such as gender.

Creating a just and egalitarian society is ongoing work that requires the commitment of all members of society, from individuals to institutions. By working together, we can move towards this ideal and build a better future for all.

Let us agree on equality; because if freedom is the summit, equality is the base.

Victor Hugo